The Little Leaf (Video) – A Lesson in Divine Providence


Divine Providence – Hashgachah Pratis – is defined as the concept that God is active in all of creation all the time. He monitors every single thing at every single moment. He is aware of every single thing at every single moment. He knows what everything is doing at every single moment and sustains that thing (or person etc.) at every single moment. Nothing happens by chance. Everything is orchestrated from Above – save for man’s free choice which he is given as a gift by the Creator to use however he wishes to use it.

What this essentially means is that one cannot hide from God in any way and that the fact that one is able to achieve what one does is only thanks to the Creator. In addition, because of existence often not knowing what to do at a certain point in time (think of a person unsure of what to do with his life), God actively engages in a way so as to take care of that particular thing that is then in need. (Of course, if that thing is not taken care of as it should be, then this too is God’s activity – using His interaction of holding back what He has chosen to for whatever reason He so deems necessary.

Given all this, the Baal Shem Tov teaches us that even the path of a leaf as it is blown in the wind until it reaches the ground – is so orchestrated by God. Every single movement of creation is singing a melody that God desires. Due to this, man must be careful not to go against the Torah as he/she so wishes – which could then cause a damage of sorts to nature. When a person attunes himself to the Torah’s directives, then he becomes a Merkavah – a chariot for God – using his mind and his limbs to perform part of the melody of life that God wants in creation. Meanwhile, God does not abandon anything in creation. This – to such a degree as the secret behind a leaf falling off a tree (of its own accord.)

The Yiddish song, “Di Bletele”, by Yom Tov Erlich z”l is based on a wellknown teaching of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement, and about how Divine Providence extends over every created entity.
It shares the story about a little leaf and its journey and its purpose in creation at a particular point in time. This translation was prepared by a resident of Tsfat for the album, Avraham Fried Sings Yiddish Gems.

The words of the poem follow after the video. Enjoy!

A tree stands, tall and high,
Branches reaching for the sky;
A little leaf, without a sound,
Flutters down to the ground.

A tzaddik who is passing by
Stops and asks the little leaf, Why?
What made you drop from your abode
And lie here in the road?
Says little leaf, Don’t ask me,
I am not the authority
The twig I was on gave a sudden shake
It was more than I could take.

Twig, twig, O authority,
Perhaps you can explain to me
Why you gave a sudden shake,
More than the leaf could take?
Says the twig, Don’t ask me,
I am not the authority;
The wind gave a sudden whoosh
And blew the little leaf loose.

Wind, wind, O authority,
Perhaps you can explain to me,
Why you gave a sudden whoosh
And blew the little leaf loose?
Says the wind, Don’t ask me,
I am not the authority;
My angel told me what to do,
So with all my might I blew.

Angel, angel, O authority,
Perhaps you an explain to me,
Why you told the wind what to do,
And mightily it blew?
Says the angel, Don’t ask me,
I am not the authority;
The Creator of me and you
Told me what to do.

Creator, Creator, O Authority,
Perhaps you can explain to me,
Why the little leaf is shaken free
And falls down from its tree?
The Creator reveals His inner plan
And makes it known to man;
Take the little leaf in your hand,
And you will understand.

See the worm lying there,
He was suffering and in despair,
He was up there on the tree
Breathing heavily,
The rays of the sun were so intense
His discomfort was immense.
“Creator, mercy!” was his plea,
The sun is roasting me!

So I commanded the angel right away
To send the wind along its way
And the twig began to sway
And the little leaf was torn away,
And so the sequence was complete,
Shielding the worm from burning heat,
And from the tiny worm,

sleep was never so sweet….

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