Passing The Torch | The Holocaust – A Faith and Fate Special Holocaust Film


This is the next video in a series of the “Faith and Fate” videos by Rabbi Berel Wein. This is a special video about the tragedies of the holocaust. But it is not the regular type of holocaust film done many times before. Rather, it follows the life of one particular family from the time of the Spanish Inquisition on towards the Holocaust itself. Thereafter, the film segways into the change that has occurred to the Jewish people since that time, and the revival of Torah life from the time of the holocaust until today.

It is an outstanding production showing the unity of the Jewish people. As mentioned in the description of the previous videos, it is so important to learn about the history of the Jewish people throughout the twentieth century. The reader is welcome to start the journey from the very first in this series which can be found on this site by clicking on the tag “Faith and Fate” to see the videos in order. Alternatively, this video can be watched on its own too.

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