Learn Talmud – Berachot #37 Daf 13b Part 1 (Koren Talmud Bavli) [Intention When Reciting Shema]


To what degree must we have intention when reciting the Keriat Shema? The first paragraph? The second? The third?? What about maybe for only the very first line – Shema Yisrael etc.?

The Gemara brings along with it numerous debates amongst the Sages regarding the recital of the Shema and to what degree which paragraphs require intention (kavanah). The Sages use the words in the Keriat Shema itself as proofs as to which paragraphs require intention and why.

Sumakhos teaches us the correct way of reciting the first verse of the Shema and how important it is to lengthen the last word – Echad (One) – crowning God (the One) over all four sides of the world. We discuss more about how one can lengthen this strange letter (how do you lengthen a dalet?) within the lesson itself.

We learn that Rabbi Yehudah the Prince would recite just the first verse in order to fulfill his obligation – as he gave a lesson and would then include the remembrance of the exodus of Egypt at that same lesson. We also learn how he would recite the verse – and a practical teaching for today.

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