Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #28 – Chapter 4 – Watchfulness [Errors in Judgment]

Errors in Judgment - Path of the Just

As we move to the core of the fourth chapter, the Ramchal takes us into a journey of some of the great people in the Tanach who themselves stumbled in various decisions they made.

Everyone in the world is subject to making decisions and to making a success of their lives. During our time here, we encounter myriads of tests – even on a daily basis. But though that be the case, it doesn’t mean that making the wrong decision exempts one from liability. Indeed as we see in today’s lesson, people such as Abraham, Jacob stumbled in some of life’s most difficult tests. But they were not exempted from liability just because they were great individuals. On the contrary, the greater the person, the more the liability. The greater the person is, the more he has to be aware of just how much of a difference his decision in life can make.

Our goal is to learn from these great people and to realise that everything we say, do and really even think – can make a great difference in all of life. Not just the life of ourselves, but the lives of others too.

Let us learn from these great people how easy it is to stumble and how important it is to know that we are responsible for the things we do.

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