Lessons in Tanya #55 – Chapter 27 Part 2 [Sweet and Sour Delicacies]

Sweet and Sour Delicacies - Lessons in Tanya

When the Beinoni is faced with thoughts that come from the Sitra Achra (negative thoughts, thoughts of sin etc.) he should push these thoughts aside. This is known as Itkafiya (Aramaic – meaning subjugation). He should not allow the thought to dwell inside himself.

Though the thought may come to him, he pushes the thought aside, and in this way serves God in the capacity he is required to. This gives God great delight – immense pleasure! As hard as it is to believe, this is the service that is demanded of him. He should in no way feel inferior for having had such negative thoughts. On the contrary, he should well value the immense service he is involved in in subjugating the evil and not allowing it to express itself in any way. It is nothing to be depressed about. On the contrary, it is something that should give that person himself delight – as it does to God.

Even a person who finds himself in this situation for his entire life – a lifetime war(!) still, he should continue and consider that perhaps this is what his mission in life is – simply to subjugate those negative thoughts and thereby bring exaltedness to God — as he gives honour to God’s will.

The service of the Tzaddik is one that is involved in turning darkness into light. The Tzaddik will not encounter such thoughts. But the Beinoni is involved in dealing with these bitter, sour thoughts. This is comparable to the tasty dishes that Isaac asked Esau to prepare for him before he blessed him. The Alter Rebbe tells us that this is really the Shechinah speaking and saying that She desires the different services of the Tzaddik and the Beinoni.

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