Derech Hashem – The Way of God – Prophecy – Lesson 17 of Section 3

Shadow Man on Tree
Shadow Man on Tree

In paragraph 6, the Ramchal details further about what the prophet actually goes through at the time he experiences his prophesy. Here he also explains the difference between prophecy and Ruach HaKodesh (Divine inspiration.) We then continue to Chapter 4 of Section 3 – dealing with the concepts of the soul, Divine inspiration and prophecy:

Prophecy is something that when it comes to a person, one comes to know clearly that he is experiencing a particular happening and that he is clear about the knowledge that he gains from the experience. Those wishing to be prophets – who aspire to the levels of intimate contact with the Divine, must go to “Prophetic School”. Just as people learn how to do things by going to a school that teaches them, so too the aspiring prophet must find for himself/herself a teacher in order to learn all that is involved in how to actually prophesy.

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