Mesillat Yesharim – The Path of the Just – Introduction Part 5 – Lesson 5


Those who can find time for studying so many things in life should surely be able to find the time to study the teachings of Mussar. In these teachings, one learns to grow as a human being. One cannot find these teachings in science and mathematics and other such similar subjects (though there is nothing wrong with learning these subjects. In fact they may well come to even aid one in one’s Torah growth too.)

Instead, one must find the time to focus exclusively in the subject of Mussar – ethics, morals and human growth and development. Now, as we make our way to the end of the introduction, the Ramchal comes to tell us exactly what this study is about. In short – he tells us what it is that God wants from us. Not from his own mind of course. It’s not his own personal opinion. Rather, he takes a verse from the Chumash, and explains what it is that God is asking from us. What must we do? What is our task in life?

Thereafter, having analysed this beautiful verse, the Ramchal gets to the meat of his work. He brings in a teaching from Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair who teaches us the path to follow in our growth in life. He takes us from the “easy” steps – to levels which are most advanced and will take much effort to acquire. Are we up for the task? Are we ready to embrace our duty in the world?

In fact, his entire work of the Mesillat Yesharim is based upon this teaching of Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair. Within this teaching, those who can follow it through to its final stages can receive such power and blessing that really, they could even resurrect the dead! This is the power of holiness, growth and attachment to God.

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