Mesillat Yesharim – The Path of the Just – Introduction Part 2 – Lesson 2


The Ramchal takes his introduction further by telling us some golden nuggets about the study of Mussar.

While it seems that only those of low intelligence will end up studying it – because its not exactly the type of study that deals with intricate laws and debates etc. this will be a loss for all of us. If those who cannot learn, study this study, they will not gain what they need to. Likewise those who have the ability who don’t study it will also cause a loss to everyone, including themselves.

The Ramchal teaches us that what we think piety is all about, is not really what it is about, and there is far more to become a pious person than the usual things we thing about as being necessary for us to do.

Listen in to the Shiur and see and hear the words of the Ramchal for yourself.

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