Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #44 – Chapter 9 – Zeal! [Good Fear and Bad Fear]

Good Fear and Bad Fear Mesilat Yesharim Path of the Just

In today’s lesson of the Mesilat Yesharim, the Ramchal tells us that another detracting factor from our enthusiasm to do what we should is the attribute of fear.

He explains that there are really two types of fear. One type is bad, whereby we are able to come up with a variety of excuses not to go ahead and do something. We use the excuse that we are keeping ourselves safe from all dangers by not going out there and doing what we should. But this fear is surely foolish. Even though we are commanded to look after ourselves, it is not to the degree that we cannot get on with life. Here we offer the excuse that we are simply keeping safe! And isn’t that what we must do in a world filled with so many dangers?!

On the other hand is a fear whereby we do indeed keep ourselves safe. This is the case when we clearly know that something is dangerous. Here, we must certainly protect ourselves. It may then be better to keep away than to go ahead and put ourselves in a dangerous situation just for the sake of doing what we must.

We must learn to weigh out the different types of fear and not let foolish fear keep us from doing what we must do.

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