Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #40 – Chapter 7 – Zeal! [How and Why To Be Enthusiastic]

How and Why To Be Enthusiastic Mesilat Yesharim

The Ramchal teaches us in the Mesilat Yesharim that those who behave in enthusiastic ways will ultimately meet up with kings! Even if not literally – we can still well understand what he means. Those who engage in their activities with vigour are bound to move ahead meeting those who think similarly and who become – so to speak – the “movers and shakers” of the world. In fact, everyone has the power to reach these levels.

Just as King Solomon built the Temple with alacrity, so too all the Tzaddikim throughout time have engaged in their activities with zeal, enthusiasm and alacrity.

Its a vital attribute to ingrain within oneself, if one is reaching for greatness in life. (Greatness does not necessarily refer to superficial matters – but it refers to becoming great as an individual, fulfilled in life, successful in one’s own growth, achieving goals and growing in life.)

A person must therefore be energetic when it comes to observing Mitzvot.

The Ramchal tells us a secret. Just as it is that enthusiasm can make one energetic to do things – if one does things, one can also become energetic! Through external behaviour filled with energy, one can also become internally stimulated to do more too.

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