Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #31 – Chapter 5 – Watchfulness [Distractions of Worldly Activities]

Distrations of World Activities - Path of the Just

We begin Chapter 5 of the Mesillat Yesharim – the Path of the Just. After having discussed the factors that relate to the trait of watchfulness and how to acquire it, we move on to factors that detract from allowing us to acquire the trait of Watchfulness.

The Ramchal tells us that there are three things that will detract from allowing us to acquire this wonderful trait:

1. Worldly activities

2. Scoffing and mocking (unnecessary levity)

3. Bad Company

In our lesson, we begin to discuss the first of these three bad elements in our lives.

Of course, we all need to engage in life activities of all kinds. What we need to be aware of, is that the more time we spend involved in worldly activities, the less time we will have available to devote to the important things of life. Life – of course, in the best sense of growth and development and not in the sense of holidays, dress-up and good food and restaurants.

As we will see, it is ultimately the study of Torah – the most important thing we can focus on in our lives – that will assist us in valuing what life should be about. Torah will teach us about what it means to be a quality individual as opposed to simply living life as one wishes.

This is the study of Mussar – of moral and ethical guidance in life. Nobody says it is easy. At times it sounds quite hard and uncomfortable. But, if we are to succeed and grow, we need to branch out of our comfort zones to realise what needs to be done – and to do it.

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