Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #27 – Chap 4 – Watchfulness [Everything is Taken Into Account]

Everything is Taken Into Account - Mesillat Yesharim

Those who choose to follow the “lazy” path in life – believing that life is about the physical pleasures of this world and that there isn’t really much to consider for their future when they leave this world, will find themselves at a loss when they pass on.

Then, it is too late! Anything that can be achieved for one’s future life of the soul (a life of infinity) can only be achieved in this world. Once one has already arrived at one’s destination above, one will realise that one cannot suddenly do the things one would now like to do to ascend. The ascent comes from doing this in this world while we have the chance to.

But even for the rest of us – those who don’t even fit into the category of being “lazy” and accepting whatever will be when we ultimately pass on, should be aware of something. The Ramchal tells us that no matter what, the way of God is to take everything into account when it comes the time of Judgment. Once the soul reaches the next world, it will be held accountable for everything it had done while in this world – for good or for the opposite.

God takes everything into account no matter how big, no matter how small. This in itself should bring us to a state of fear to realise that indeed no matter what our motives may be for doing less or more, we should realise how everything is put into the accounting books above and is taken into account at that time of Judgment.

** Towards the end of the lesson, I made mention of the Ramak. This is an error. All references were to the Ramchal – the author of the word we are learning.

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