Lessons in Tanya #65 – Chapter 31 Part 2 [Taking the Godly Soul Out of Exile]

Taking the Godly Soul Out of Exile Lessons in Tanya

In our lesson in Tanya we continue Chapter 31 – dealing with the issue of a possible depression resulting from seeing oneself in a lower light than others. Sure – we have to be humble before others, but doesn’t that bring us to a situation of becoming depressed? Too much “working on oneself” in this way may well make it easier to fall into depression.

The Alter Rebbe tells us that depression/sadness is really the realm of the Kelipah Nogah. This means that when used incorrectly, it can be damaging. But when used correctly, it can be uplifting. How so? When pertaining to material matters, depression is on the negative side of this Kelipah. But when it comes to spiritual matters (that we should strive for higher levels of holiness etc.) then the Kelipah is turned into something positive. It suddenly becomes healthy – so to speak – to have feelings of depression.

But the Alter Rebbe says that we’re not talking about depression in the normative sense of the word. We are talking about the aspect of depression in the aspect of bitterness. There’s a certain feeling of disappointment within oneself that one feels one can do better. That is no longer negative. The sadness therein is really something positive. It will lead us to greater heights!

What we need to do is to sweeten the judgments. We need to sweeten the aspects of depression which bring us down – so that instead of drawing us lower, we use those feelings in a positive way to bring us higher!

The Alter Rebbe tells us we should be careful not to become immersed in matters of this “depression” at times of prayer and Torah study. These are moments of joy! However, there are other times one may engage in remorseful introspection. We can use the times such as when we feel sad in any case about general worldly matters. Here is a time for contemplation of improvement. We’re taking the moments of material depression – turning our attention away from the material – and instead focusing on the positive growth that can come about through spiritual contemplation — bitterness.

One should realise that indeed one may be considered despicable after all. But this only pertains to the body and the lower Nefesh-soul level of oneself. But it certainly doesn’t apply to the real Godly soul which one has.

Unfortunately, the situation is such that God has placed this Godly soul into this lowly body (resulting in these awful feelings coming about). But what is really going on is that the Shechinah is now in exile! When we consider what is happening, we can begin to progress on the path of bringing the Shechinah (the Divine Presence) out the exile she is in.

Through things such as true sincere prayer, one is able to bring the Shechinah out of exile and through this reach a state of great joy!

This is the joy of bringing the Godly soul out of its exile – returning it to the place it was before it entered the earthly body.

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