Lessons in Talmud – Tractate Berachot – Lesson 5 – Daf 3a & 3b (Part 1) (Using Koren Talmud Bavli)

Castle ruins
Castle ruins

After having learned about how the Divine Presence cries over the destruction of the Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people into the exile, we continue with a story somewhat related to this theme of destruction…

Rabbi Yossei prays in the ruins of Jerusalem and Elijah the Prophet waits for him. He (Elijah) teaches Rabbi Yossei a number of lessons about prayer and also about the ruins. The Gemara goes into detail about why it is forbidden to pray in an area of ruins.

We learn who Rabbi Yossei was and some practical laws about praying in a place of ruins. We even find out about the mysterious spiritual entities known as demons!

We end off with the start of a new discussion regarding the different watches in the night. Are there three or four?!

Join us for this textual lesson in Talmud as we make use of the beautiful Koren Talmud Bavli where you can follow along seeing the Hebrew, reading the English and gain extra insight through a variety of notes and practical Halachic points.

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