Lessons in Talmud: Tractate Berachot Daf 2a – Lesson 1

Koren Talmud
Koren Talmud

Join me in studying Talmud! We are beginning with the first Masechet (Tractate) known as Berachot (Blessings). Text is shown in the lesson so that you can follow along.

We’re using the beautiful Koren Talmud Bavli edition written by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. It features the text in easily digestible paragraphs, biographies of various Sages featured on the page, practical Halachot (laws), notes to help understand the text, pictures to help understand the text – and really so much more!

Now you can follow along with me while seeing this text on your screen. We’re taking it slowly so that we have time to discuss all the parts of the Gemara, hear the sayings, deal with arguments and learn how to learn the page of Talmud.

Berachot is one of the most fascinating Gemarot! It deals with everything from reciting the Shema, praying the Shemonei Esrei (Amidah), reciting blessings over food, and even dealing with the interpretation of dreams!

In this lesson we’ll be learning a little about the Talmud and starting with the first Mishnah – “When can we recite the Keriat Shema in the evening?”

As always, viewers are welcome to send me their personal questions and insights – or even to ask to join our lesson live!

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