Lessons in Talmud – Tractate Berachot – Daf 2a/2b (Part 3) – Lesson 3 (Using the Koren Talmud Bavli)


Continuing our lessons in Talmud, studying Tractate Brachot (Blessings), we conclude Daf 2 Amud Aleph and move on to Amud Beit. We continue the discussion regarding the recitation of the Keriat Shema in the evening. Various opinions are given from various sages each expressing the time for reciting the Keriat Shema based upon particular events in people’s lives.

Due to the changes in the winter and summer seasons and sunset and nightfall falling out at different times every day of the year, we need some sort of signal to let us know when it is the correct time to begin reciting the Keriat Shema. We are using the beautiful Koren Talmud Bavli to work through the page. Our pace is slower than a Daf Yomi lesson in order to allow those wanting to learn more about the learning style itself rather than focus on reaching the end of the page within an hour. Viewers have the opportunity to see the text as it appears in the Koren Talmud Bavli edition and follow along, either listening in to the lesson or focusing on the exact wording from this beautiful Talmud edition.

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