Learn Talmud – Berachot – Lesson 23 Daf 8b / 9a Part 1 (Koren Talmud Bavli) – Mitzvot Until Midnight


Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi teaches his children some valuable lessons in life. He teaches them about the importance of learning the Parshah each week, cutting the jugular vein of a bird when performing the Shechita, and respecting scholars who forget their learning

Rava teaches his children some valuable lessons in life including not cutting meat on one’s hand, not sitting on the bed of an Aramean woman and not passing behind a synagogue when the community is praying. The Gemara discusses what led Rava to teach about not sitting on the bed of the Aramean woman.

Rabbi Akiva says three reasons why he likes the Medes and Rabban Gamliel says three reasons why he likes the Persians.

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai explains how one can read the Keriat Shema at night and yet fulfill one’s obligation for both the evening and the morning Shema and there is yet another teachings of his saying that one can read the Keriat Shema in the day time and yet fulfill both the evening and the morning Shema.

The Gemara returns to the statement of the Mishna where Rabban Gamliel taught that one may recite the Keriat Shema of the evening until dawn (and not midnight like the Sages said.) The Gemara explains further about the statement of the Sages regarding Mitzvot that may be performed only until midnight and how that relates to the eating of the Korban Pesach – the Paschal Sacrifice.

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