Join Our Project in Adding Subtitles and Translations to Rabbi Michael Khanin’s Sofer Videos

Headphones and Microphone
Headphones and Microphone

If you’ve been keeping your eye on our site, you’d see that not so long ago we were involved in producing a series of lectures given by my Sofer teacher – Dr Michael Khanin – discussing some amazing things about the world of Sofrut. We’re still involved – and we’d like to produce more of these videos too. But let me share with you something else…

Well – we’ve embarked on a new project! We’re working on adding Hebrew subtitles to the videos – making it easier to follow along for those who might miss a word being spoken. In addition, we hope to be able to add an English translation which will placed as subtitles at the bottom of each video for those who don’t understand Hebrew and want to know more about the fascinating world of Sofrut.

We can’t manage this entire project on our own, and so we invite you to become a partner with us in what we’re doing! So take a look at this great video done by Shoshanah where she explains exactly what the project is about and how you can become involved! It’s so easy to be in touch with us – just click on this contact us button and send us any details of how you’d be able to help us – and let us set up a partnership together! You’re always welcome to watch the full series. The entire Playlist together with 3 videos in Russian as well as a four-part series sharing the story of Dr Khanin’s life – can be found right here on Eliyahu’s YouTube Channel. Meanwhile – do take a listen to this great video by Shoshanah sharing more about our latest project!

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