Mishnah Learning Schedule for a Loved One

Mishnah Page
Mishnah Page

This page offers you the opportunity to select a tractate of Mishnah that you are prepared to learn for a beloved family member or friend who has left this world. Your study brings an Aliyah (an ascent) to the soul of the deceased. In order to select your tractate, contact us and let us know which tractate you have selected. Your name will then appear next to the respective tractate to let others know that that tractate has already been taken for a particular time period. In this way when 63 people (or less) come through to learn, we will be able to complete the entire 6 Orders of the Mishnah (the entire Oral Law) for the ascent of the soul – Aliyat Neshamah of a beloved family member or friend. It is wonderful to complete this in the 30 day period after the petirah (passing on) of the soul. When doing the learning on one’s own, one can set up a schedule to learn over the year of mourning. Watch the video below to find out how your learning benefits the deceased. In addition to this page, we will be happy to send through an attractive email to all your friends and family inviting them to join in the learning. Please contact us to find our more and how you can partner with us in increasing Torah study and teaching around the world!

Seder Zeraim

Berachot (9)
Peah (8)
Demai (8)
Kilayim (9)
Sheviit (10)
Terumot (11)
Maaserot (5)
Maaser Sheini (5)
Challah (4)
Orlah (3)
Bikkurim (3)

Seder Moed

Shabbat (24)
Eiruvin (10)
Pesachim (10)
Shekalim (8)
Yoma (8)
Sukkah (5)
Beitzah (5)
Rosh Hashanah (4)
Taanit (4)
Megillah (4)
Moed Katan (3)
Chagigah (3)

Seder Nashim

Yevamot (16)
Ketubot (13)
Nedarim (11)
Nazir (9)
Sotah (9)
Gittin (9)
Kiddushin (4)

Seder Nezikin

Bava Kama (10)
Bava Metziah (10)
Bava Batra (10)
Sanhedrin (11)
Makkot (3)
Shevuot (8)
Eduyot (8)
Avodah Zarah (5)
Avot (6)
Horayot (3)

Seder Kodashim

Zevachim (14)
Menachot (13)
Chullin (12)
Bechorot (9)
Arachin (9)
Temurah (7)
Keritot (6)
Meilah (6)
Tamid (6)
Midot (5)
Kinim (3)

Seder Taharot

Keilim (30)
Ohalot (18)
Negaim (14)
Parah (12)
Taharot (10)
Mikvaot (10)
Niddah (10)
Machshirin (6)
Zavim (5)
Tevul Yom (4)
Yadayim (4)
Uktzin (3)